Wired for Progress

Humans are wired for progress. Forward movement. Improvement.

This is my twist on a gratitude practice. Yes, I list my gratitude each day. But I also include a few items of progress.

How am I one inch closer to my goals today than I was yesterday?

I focus on that and I feel such incredible joy!

Be honest, how many times do you look at your goals and get so overwhelmed with the distance from here to there that you groan? The celebration and happy dance for the goal achieved and the task completed feels a million miles away! It’s easy to feel discouragement - or if you’re like me, burning so hard to get there quickly that you burn yourself out and don’t have the energy to keep going? Anyone? Just me?

So when I’m thinking of what I’m grateful for I also focus on the small things that I did in service to my vision...

Not gonna lie, some days it’s as small as “sent email about that collab idea” but the thing is, when I consistently give myself the feeling of progress it helps me to keep going, today, tomorrow and the next day.

I want another hit of dopamine. I want that reward - the satisfaction of feeling good about making progress.

Then it all starts to feel attainable! I’m further along today than I was yesterday!

*Take that* long term vision! I’m comin’ for ya!

Forget for a moment the distance between now and future. How far have you come?

Take a hot minute to celebrate! You did that! Kudos!