Mental and Energetic Cycles; a Hypothesis

ESI: Episodic Specificity Induction is a process of mentally fleshing out the details of a real or imagined scene.

Scientists have found a direct relationship between being able to vividly depict a scene and being able to creatively problem-solve for future events... In short: if you can vividly recall the past, those same brain pathways allow you to envision the future.

The same pathways are activated in the brain (hippocampus and medial temporal lobe) to remember something that happened as are activated in imagining a possible future event. Your brain uses data from similar/related experiences to create a possible future scene. Then as you move forward, the RAS (reticular activating system) seeks information to confirm your hypothesis of the future.

When you are able to vividly envision the future you are more able to collect creative steps to take you from where you are to where you desire to be. And as you take action on this imagined future scene it will serve up information in real-time that confirms your assumptions and beliefs about how it will all play out.

Our brains are magnificent machinery and it’s our job to manage them well. How we experience life is always our choice and within our control. It is a combination of pre-programmed patterns from early life and what we choose to focus on and reinforce over time… both mental and energetic. Our brains will constantly reinforce what we choose to expect. Energy follows thought. And I believe that thought fuels our energy through a cascade of bodily hormones that directly affect our energetic system.

It’s a cycle… it’s up to us to choose if it will be a virtuous cycle or a vicious cycle. At all times we are choosing to open up to more energetic flow or closing it down.

And brain science tells us that we are able to more vividly imagine events that are closer in time to where we are rather than events in a distant future...

From an energetic perspective, I posit that the more vividly we imagine and flesh out a vision of our desires the more energy we are filling them with, the closer we draw those events to us. We are creating a direct line to them and the pieces and particulars of these events are taking shape in our current timeline.

It is within our power to shape our experience by understanding our body’s mechanics and how that combines with our energetic system.

Laura Olsen