The problem with empowerment

I don't want your empowerment. You don't empower me.

The term empowerment implies that you have power that you are going to benevolently bestow upon me. You will grant me permission to use your power. It's not mine, it's yours... but hey, I can borrow it. How kind of you.

Fuck that.

I reject the notion.

You don't empower me. The very idea is preposterous. You can't, even if you wanted to... so save it, sister. Every human is born with their own power. And through a lifetime of not being shown that we have it we don't know how to access it. I believe that we can't 'give away' our power... especially if we don't know that we have it. And it can never be taken from us because it is fundamental to our being.

Empowerment isn't the way.

Claiming our own power is.

But exploring our own internal power can lead to some pretty wild territory. Stuff we've never before considered. Stuff we've never realized about ourselves. Stuff we've never been shown. It's all there for us whenever we choose to engage with our own internal power.

It begins as a choice to stop looking outside of ourselves to get it. And look at where we might be operating from our ego to think that we have power we can give to others.

When you begin to see yourself as the predominant creative force in your life, gears of power that have never moved begin turning. And no one can give that to you. They can show you what it looks like in their life. Demonstrate what owning your power looks like. But no one can GIVE anyone else their power. No one can empower you.

You are your own power source.

You just have to turn it on.

Laura Olsen