
Why is it so hard to acknowledge it at all?

What IS reality?

For my purposes here I will be defining it as something that can be recorded by a device. A camera... a photo or video. Actuality. What exists.

What was done, what was said... for the moment, stripping away the emotional resonance or 'backstory'. Just a focus on what IS.

I posit that this is the only way that we can move forward in any meaningful way to make progress from what IS to a desired future. A focus on what exists gives us the tension needed and a solid foundation to make progress. And humans are wired for progress. We need to know that we are growing and changing. Growth and change are measured in comparison to what was. And to know what was, we must know what is... in the see and now.

That's part one.

Part two is to have a clear vision of a desired future.

This vision is how we set our aim. It's how we can tell if our progress is moving us toward or away from our desired future.

Reality / Vision = >/< Progress

And at that future moment when we look at the progress we've made is the moment when we look at a new reality... again, WHAT IS? Is it closer to or further from our chosen vision?

Repeating this is the way we can stay the course toward our desired future and continually reorient ourselves in service of our vision. It sounds simple, and it is, but it's not always easy. It's not easy to look at the reality of our circumstance and see that we're no closer to our goal than when we started. But it's the only way we can recalibrate and get back on track.

This is a deliberate simplification of the concept of the creator, but I think it's necessary at times to check back in with the basics. What is fundamental? Where am I over complicating things?

The straightest line to what we want will always be to shorten the time between check ins and to consistently take actions in service of our chosen vision... our goal... desired outcome.

What is real? What do I want to be real? Am I on track to bring it into form?

Reality is what it is AND it can be what you make it.

Laura Olsen